What India can learn from other countries

India aspires to be a World Leader one day. The road is long but there are lot of things that we have to learn first and the best way to do that is through examples of others. Some of them are as follows:

Japan – Integrated Moral Values and Cleanliness in Education System:
·    Instead of textbook teaching of Moral and Ethical Values Japan Education System went for a holistic view of the subject. Separate time is dedicated during the school hours where students are given situation and are asked about their reaction to that situation. Instead of telling what is right and what isn’t teachers try to understand point of view of a child and look for the grey areas. This approach of building a character of a person from his childhood itself has made Japan have one of the lowest crime rates in the world in 2015.
·    Cleanliness is another area which is given lot of importance in Japan’s Education System. Students are asked to clean their classrooms, toilets and mow the Lawn. Basically basic maintenance of entire school rests on student’s shoulders. This has played an important role in molding of responsible adults example of which can be seen in 2014 FIFA World Cup where after the match Japanese fan stayed back to clean their section of the arena.

Sweden – Sustainable Initiatives:
·    Technologically Sweden has surpassed other countries in developing Clean Energy from waste products. Waste to Energy plants are heavily promoted in Sweden making it 1st country to increase its garbage import from 5,50,000 tons in 2010 to 8,00,000 tons in 2015. 
·      Vertical Greenhouses along with modern architecture are being constructed to clean air and at the same time use the assets to promote ecotourism.
·      Rooftop and Urban agriculture is being promoted to develop organic food as a result Sweden is one the leading countries in European Union to produce and consume organic food.
·  Worst impact of climate change is felt on bees and butterflies. Country has setup various biodiversity habitats and pollination centers in urban setting to conserve them.

Israel – Water Management System:
·     Israel being one of the most water scarce countries in the world has emerged as an example of effective water management through heavy investment in R&D in desalination, recycling of urban wastewater and drip irrigation
·  Water from Mediterranean Sea is used and converted to drinkable water by desalination technology and now provides for almost 60% of domestic water needs.
·  Drip irrigation technology which unlike conventional irrigation directly delivers water to the roots of the plant slowly in a way that it reduces evaporation has helped Israel save 40%-50% water compared to other irrigation methods and at the same time made its agriculture surplus enough to export to other nations as well.

Germany – Neutral Media:
Every household in Germany is charged with Rundfunkbeitrag i.e. a license fees charged monthly for Radio and Television. Money generated makes the news channel free and neutral as they do not have to depend on advertising money or money from corporates or government to stay in business. This makes reporting free of political bias and reliable.

Bangladesh – No reservation for Government Jobs :
India and Bangladesh shares common socio- economic condition and till 2018 the country had 56% government job reservation for different disadvantaged groups. After popular student protests in 2018 it decided to end reservations and made the entrance in jobs based on merit alone. Move like this needs a strong political will and can direct a country towards a prosperous future. Similar demands have been put forth in India as well but no action has been taken in this direction.

Our Constitution makers borrowed many of the provisions from other countries and changed it according to our country’s needs. Result is that India’s Constitution today is praised throughout the world. India again can learn such things from other countries, implement it and in future innovate further to meet the needs of future and lead the way to development.


  1. It's true we should actually learn from others and this learning is what will keep us going . Learn and innovate

  2. Very good information. Let's try to inculcate values not only in our children but before that in us.

  3. This is an amazing article! You do not falsely praise India but show them ways on how to improve! India is a great and populous country; our culture, our food, achievements but there is always a room for improvement and learning.

    I wish all Indians looked at it from this perspective!


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